Rispondi annuncio

Architetto per progettazione esecutiva arredi e responsabile di commessa Hotel estero

Arch. Davide Cerini
Inviato il: 06 febbraio 2018
Tipo: Offro
Categoria: Lavoro

Per azienda leader di settore, cerco architetto con esperienza nella,progettazione esecutiva di arredi e conoscenza processi di produzione. Il lavoro dimprogettazione e prototipazione sarà eseguito a Milano, la supervisione della installazione sarà all'estero. “For the management of a hotel sector contract, I look for an architect with experience and ability to design furniture and interior finishes. With at least 5 years of experience in the detail and executive design sector, knowledge of materials and production processes, coordination with other disciplines and plants, assembly phases. The materials used are: wood, lacquers and veneers, glass, marble, metals, fabrics, etc. The collaboration is 20 months from March 2018, of which 8 months are planned in Milano’s office and 12 months will be abroad at the construction site for assembly overseas, a 2-hour flight from Milan. Foreign languages: very good English; French sufficient. A strong propensity for teamwork, privacy and enthusiasm are required. The complexity and quality level of the project and of the organization process will offer a remarkable professional experience. Knowledge of the required software programs: Autodesk Autocad 14, excellent Autodesk Revit, good Adobe Photoshop, good Microsoft Word, good Microsoft Excell, very good Se interessati, cortesemente inviare CV per email, entro il 30-01-2018, a: studio@sdc-milano.it “

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